The Civil War ended the country really rebuild itself? The Civil war was fought in the 1860's, Civil rights were fought in the 1960's. Does History repeat itself? Tell us what you think!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Appomattox - The Surrender
April 9, 1865
This is where the surrender was signed it is actually the family home of Wilmer McLean. The treaty was signed on the first floor in the parlor.
Memorize the songs and pass them off to General Brown if you report to her or to General Cummings.
Write your Hero report on a person in the Civil War.
Watch the three movies.
Memorize your scripture verses about what your religion says on the matter of Government
Finish reading your books.
Get your presentation ready and present it.
Read and Discuss the speaches and documents.
Memorize the Gettsburg Address.
Time is winding down for the both the Civial War and our class. Lets earn the Swords!
Friday, November 14, 2014
-Calling all Scholars -
Actually the Confederate or the Rebels will be calling Sister Cummings! 918-363-7707
Union or the Yankees will be calling Sister Echeverria 918-260-9602.
Choose a time that works for you. Calls will be Monday Mornings;
Confederate - Rebel
Union - Yankee
I will fill in names by the times as you let me know. So the faster you let me know you will have a better chance of getting the time you want.
Monday, November 10, 2014
The Battles of Chickamuga, Chattanooga, Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Spotsylvania, Raid in the South.
6 Topics that need to be researched. Choose a Topic and call Sis Cummings 918-363-7707 or 918-607-5622 - let her know which topic you will teach us about on Thursday. I don't think you want to drop and give me 20 for not being prepared or suffer other Military action.
Chickamauga: September 18 - 20, 1863.
What are the casualties? Details of this battle?
Battle of Chattamooga:
November 23 - 25, 1963 Who won this battle?
The Wilderness:
May 5, 1964 - May 7, 1864 Total estimated casualties 29,800. How many dead for wach side?
Cold Harbor May 31, 1864 to June 12, 1864 The Union had 108,000 fighting the Rebels had 62,000.
Amazing number of people killed for the number of men that were fighting on each side. Why such an advantage?
We also have a Traitor in our midst. Who is the traitor? Why would we have a traitor? Do you agree with the side that you are currently fighting for? Tell me why you agree with the side that you are fighting for. Tell me why you dont agree with the side that you are fighting for.
When Abraham Lincoln was born Feb 12, 1809 the federal government had been organized just twenty years. The countries original thirteen colonies, and territory yet to be settled, were still very much subject to the influence of its parent country. The United States won over Britain in the War of 1812 and then Pres. James Monroe issued this warning to Britain with the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 stating America’s right to self- determination on its own power. Lincoln's early years coincided with rapid frontier movements and pioneer expansion.
in 1833, a clash between state and federal power began when South Carolina threatened to secede after a series of high tariffs were passed by the federal government. John C. Calhoun, South Carolina senator attempted to nullify federal tariff policy and President Andrew Jackson signed the Force Act, with federal military intervention toward the insurgency. South Carolina eventually backed down, but not before revealing the schism between these two rival opinions. Slavery in the western expansion had been curtailed with the Northwest Ordinance, still the question of slavery policy was controversial.
The Missouri Compromise of1820 under James Monroe, had cut a line between free and slave territory but further expansion caused debate again. As the Western Rep., Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky offered two compromises between the north and south. Clay's vague Compromise of 1850 allowed California to enter the Union as a free state only if it made a fugitive slave law.
Then, anarchy after Stephen Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska Act passed in 1854, legislation that allowed popular sovereignty. With the question of slavery in the territories thrown open to local sentiment, abolitionists and slavers rushed to populate various districts in the interest of advancing their cause and warfare ensued in “Bloody Kansas,” sparking a fierce national debate over slavery and sovereignty. Then Supreme Court released itsDred Scottdecision in 1857, defining slaves as property, it opened the territories permanently to slavery and declared the abolition of slavery in free states to be unconstitutional.
Then Abraham Lincoln, a former Illinois state legislator and congressman, was elected as president in 1860 on the Republican-a fledgling party of abolitionists taking advantage of the fractured Democratic party and by the time he was inaugurated in March of 1861, seven states had seceded and formally established the Confederate States of America with Jefferson Davis as President. One month later April 15, 1861 the Civil war began as the Confederate forces under Beauregard opened fire on Fort Sumter, SC, held by Union forces.
September 22, 1862. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued stating that as of Jan 1, 1863 all slaves in the eleven confederate states in rebellion would be freed. Though many slaves had been declared free by Lincoln's 1863Emancipation Proclamation their post-war status was uncertain. On April 8, 1864, the Senate passed the thirteenth amendment to abolish slavery. After one unsuccessful vote and extensive legislative maneuvering by the Lincoln administration, the House followed suit on January 31, 1865. The measure was swiftly ratified by nearly allnorthern states, along with a sufficient number of border and "reconstructed" Southern states, to cause it to be adopted before the end of the year.
In 1863 the tide turned against the confederacy and Lincoln won reelection in 1864 and in April 65 was assassinated by JW Booth, five days after the war ended with the surrender of General R. E. Lee at Appomattox courthouse. In discussing his role as commander-in-chief during the closing months of the Civil War, Lincoln was quite able to "plainly confess that events have controlled me more than I have controlled them," a humble opinion from a big man, who stood at six feet, four inches.
Lincoln recognized the power of the written word, and wary of its tendency to distort, he wrote a 1856 letter to his law partner, William H. Herndon, "biographies as generally written are not only misleading, but most instances they commemorate a lie, and cheat posterity out of the truth."
How many total fought in the battle?
How many from the North?
How many from the South?
Total Estimated Casualties?
How many from the Union were:
Missing and or Captured?
Total for the Union?
How many from the Confederate were:
Missing and or Captured?
Total for the Confederate?
What changed this battle?
Bonus challenge-
Write a paper about why we study history? Why do we study specific time period? How does it help us today to study the past? How do you feel about the civil war?