Monday, September 22, 2014

Sword Rank Advancement Requirements:

1)      Watch 3 of the following movies
·         Gettysburg –
·         Gods and Generals –
·         Shenandoah –
·         The Red Badge of Courage
·         Gone with the Wind -

2)      Write a Hero Report on a person in the civil War history of your choice.
3)      Complete all of the required Writing Assignments
4)      Memorize the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
5)      Memorize 3 of the 4 following songs:
·         The Battle Cry of Freedom
·         The Battle Hymn of the Republic
·         Dixie
·         Other Civil War Song of your choice

6)       Read all of the books below:
·         Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher-Stowe
·         Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt
·         Abraham Lincoln by Wilbur F. Gordy
·         To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
7)       Memorize what your religion says on the matter of government

8)      Give a class presentation

9)      Read and discuss the following speeches and documents:
  •          Dred Scott vs Stanford
  •          The Emancipation Proclamation
  •          The Gettysburg Address
  •          Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address Constitutional Amendments 13, 14, 15

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Uncle Tom's Cabin Audio Links

Listen to Uncle Tom's Cabin  online through LIBRIVOX   or YOUTUBE

Youtube link:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Battle of Antietam Animated Maps Link

Battle of ANTIETAM 
at Sharpsburg

Single bloodiest day of battle in our nation's history.

Watch the video, play the games, read the facts, look at the photos.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014