Monday, September 21, 2015

King George Plea

Stay with Me.  HILARIOUS!

1850 Compromise

Who knew when the Founders at the Constitutional Convention made their compromise that the slavery issue would continue until 1850?

Sunday, June 7, 2015


The fallen in WWII animated documentary.  Puts it all in perspective.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Journal Prompts/Homework Hero 2014-2015

Journal Prompts (JP) Homework (H)

Week One:

JP – Make a list of all your heroes that you can think of.
H – Write your own definition of a hero

Week Two:

JP – What choices do you still have when you are in bondage?
H – Make a list of kinds of bondage and their causes

Week Three:

JP – Make a short list of leaders that you admire.  Choose one and make a list of his/her most defining character traits.
H – Make a timeline of WWII

Week Four:

JP – What are the synonyms for aid?  When has someone come to your aid?
H – Interviews

Week Five:

JP – Writing: How does adversity affect me?
H – Interviews

Week Six:

JP – How do you feel about America at war today?
H – Interviews

Week Seven:

JP – When is it right to fight for the freedom of another country?
H – Write: What level of impact is possible for one person to achieve?  (good or bad?)

Week Eight:

JP – What is the difference between reading about someone and talking to them in person?
H- Write:  Should we have dropped the bomb?

Week Nine:

JP – What do you personally have in common with the people you have chosen for your hero project?
H – Write: What is my vision for my generation?

Week Ten:

JP – Who are my heroes that are alive today?  Why?
H – Meet with teams and research for the Nuremberg Simulation.

Week Eleven:

Book reports and Hero Projects

Week Twelve:

JP – How is my generation like his and how is it different?
H – Book reports and Hero projects

Week Thirteen:

Book Reports and Hero Projects

Week Fourteen:

Book Reports and HERO PROJECT – they will be presented next week!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ideas of people to interview.

Who can I interview?

People who were kids during the war.

Wives of soldiers.

People who lived during the war.

People who were in the war.

Places to find people to interview:
Church, friends, neighbors.
Call nursing homes of someone you know who works at one.
Call Veterans Organization's.
Ask people you are interviewing if they know of someone that you can interview.

Be prepared.  Video it if possible (Ask first).

When you go:
Be on time.
Be interested.
Be polite.
Speak loudly.
Be patient.
Be thankful.
Take pictures of their memorabilia.
If you are not prepared RESCHEDULE!!!!!!!

Practice before you go.

Do You Know?
Quiz Questions

31.  What president decided to drop the bomb on Japan?

32.  What is a Demagogue?

33.  What were the names of the two atom, bombs dropped on Japan?

34.  What ere the two cities that were hit with atom bombs?

35.  What city were the Nazi War criminals tried in?

36.  What were the charges against the Nazi War criminals?

37.  What was the panel of judges in the Nazi war trials called?

38.  Who was on the panel of judges for the Nazi war trials?

39.  What are crimes against humanity?

40.  What are crimes against peace?

41.  How does an atom bomb work? (One of two different ways.)

42.  What scientist asked the president to develop the atom bomb and why?

43.  Who was the ruler of Germany?

44.  Who was the ruler of Italy?

45.  What was the Vichy Government?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

Do You Know? 

Quiz Questions

16.  Who was the Supreme Commander of all the Allied forces in Europe?

17.  Who was the Supreme Commander of all the Allied Forces in the Pacific?

18.  Who were the three Axis Powers?

19.  Who were the Mail Allied Powers?

20.  How and when did Hitler die?

21.  What is the Ghetto?

22.  What is a Concentration Camp?

23.  What was the Final Solution?

24.  Who was the author of the Final Solution?

25.  Name 5 types of Resistance.

26.  What was the Kinder Transport?

27.  What was the early persecution of the Jews?

28. Who was the Prime Minister of Britain?

29.  Who was the Emperor of Japan?

30.  Who was the President of the United States during WWII?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Do you know? 

Quiz Questions

  1. What year did Hitler invade Poland?
  2. What date did the Japanese invade Pearl Harbor?
  3. What was Kristallnacht?  What country did it happen in?
  4. What country saved the most Jews in Europe?
  5. What title does the state of Israel give the people who saved Jews from the Holocaust?
  6. What large Mainland country did Japan invade before WWII?
  7. Who was the ruler of Russia?
  8. Where did D-Day take place?
  9. What countries were involved in D-Day?
  10. What were the American beaches in D-Day called?
  11. What ships were the Japanese trying to bomb in Pearl Harbor?
  12. What ships did the Japanese bomb in Pearl Harbor?
  13. What year did WWII end?
  14. What happened to Mussolini when he was captured?
  15. What was the operation called on D-Day?
More Question to come next week.... 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941

Before Attack 

During Attack


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs uploaded a new video: With the Marines at Tarawa.

American Sniper might win best film this year at the ‪#‎Oscars‬, but did you know in 1944 a group of Marines including ‪#‎VeteranOfTheDay‬ Norm T. Hatch won an Oscar for their film "With The Marines At Tarawa?"

Norman was born in Boston, Massachusetts and when he was 18 years old he joined the United States Marine Corps in 1939.

He was assigned to the famous Marines publication Leatherneck Magazine and later transferred to the Navy public affairs office. Norman shipped out to New Zealand, covering training activities of the United States Marine Corps 2nd Marine Division.

After refitting in Hawaii, the 2nd Marine Division sailed for Tarawa.

During the Battle of Tarawa, Norman and other Marine cameramen would cover the fighting from the moment U.S. Marines landed until the end. More than 1,000 Marines died at Tarawa during the 76 hours of intense fighting.

Norman went on to film the fighting at Iwo Jima, where he landed on February 19, 1945, and stayed for 18 days until he left for Washington, D.C., in order to clarify the issue of the famous Joe Rosenthal’s photo of the raising of the flag on Mount Suribachi.

Thank you for your service, Norman, and Semper Fidelis!

Watch the movie

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Have you chosen the person you want to do your hero report on?  Be creative.

 Who were the hero's in WWII?

Below is a link of 10 hero's of WWII.

Research and see who you find interesting.  

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Do we have Concentration Camps in America?  

What do you Think? 

These Pictures are from Topaz Internment Camp and Tule Lake Internment camp.

Look through the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Who is on your Identification Card?  


BORN: 1938

Look up your Identification Card!

Watch the progress of the war through the years. 

Before 1933




After 1945

What have you learned about the Holocaust? 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

A great Thoguht from Corrie Ten Boom!

She is a great Example to us all!

 Could you do the things that she did?

What did you learn ?
What sticks out most to you?
How can you incoporate what you learned in your life?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Who are these men? 

What role did we play in WWII?

The Hiding Place--  Read the book  or watch the movie all 20 parts.

Who is a Leader?


[dem-uh-gog, -gawg] 
Spell Syllables
a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power andpopularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of thepeople.
(in ancient times) a leader of the people.
verb (used with object)demagogued, demagoguing.
to treat or manipulate (a political issue) in the manner of ademagogue; obscure or distort with emotionalism, prejudice, etc.
verb (used without object)demagogued, demagoguing.
British Dictionary definitions for demagogue


a political agitator who appeals with crude oratory to the prejudice andpassions of the mob
(esp in the ancient world) any popular political leader or orator

Replace the word BOSS with Political Leader    What do you have now?

True Leader

Who is a true leader to you?

Three Power Pact Signed the Tripartite Pact Sept 27, 1940.  After this they took the name Axis.

These three powers are ???

The Allies???

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Iwo Jima

Tha Amazing Tunnel Systam of Iwo Jima.  Such a difficult battle for the Americans to fight people they didn't see!

Entrance to one of the Caves!

The Beach landing area.

A Soldier who was luck enough to be alive!